Terms and conditions of use

Using services or products through www.micolet.co.uk (hereinafter referred to as Micolet ) requires the acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Acceptance and access to Terms and Conditions of Use

Though the acceptance of this agreement you declare:

  1. To be 18 or older and not under guardianship.
  2. To have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions of Use, are regulated by the legal relationship that has included all the process of the contract between Users-Customers of the Web Site (Web user) located in the URL https://www.micolet.co.uk propriety of Micolet Web S.L. By using and placing an order or selling any clothes, users agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out. This document can be printed and stocked for user’s web. Micolet offers an information access through info@micolet.co.uk for any information requirement about terms and conditions of use.

Legal Notice

This website has been created to inform about services offered by Micolet as well as to attend potential customers, commercial contact and job applications.

The website www.micolet.co.uk is managed by:

Corporate name: Micolet Web, S.L.
Intra-community VAT: ESB95808770
Headquarter: Avenida Ribera de Axpe 11, 2D - 202. 48950 Erandio - Bizkaia
Email: info@micolet.co.uk
Registered in the mercantile registry of Bizkaia (Spain) Tome 5538, Sheet 205, Page BI-66348.
Micolet is a trademark registered on EUIPO No 016681199


By using the website Micolet users agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out. Therefore, users should carefully read this document each time they wish to use Micolet website as it can be modified and updated.

Access to Micolet website is free and without extra charges, except the internet connection charges depending on the network communication offered by the communication providers contracted by the Users.

Users that wish to periodically receive offers and discounts to their email addresses and/or to sell/buy on Micolet, will have to register as Users on Micolet’s website filling and sending the online form.

Micolet as an intermediary offers these services to the final consumer (sellers or buyers) to ease the sell and the purchase of clothes and accessories of second-hand clothing. In this effect, Micolet put to your disposal its marketplace through www.micolet.co.uk, these promotional actions to promote the items but also the services of pickup, valuation, publication and delivery as well as their payment or buying.


Those who use Micolet online website do it for their own liabilities and risks. Micolet is not liable of errors that can appear in the content or others that can be accessed through it. Micolet cannot be considered responsible for any damages due to the utilisation of the Micolet website, neither for any action realized on the information base provided. Micolet does not guarantee the absence of any virus or others elements harmful to your device that can damage or alter the informatic system, electronic documents or user’s files. Micolet is not responsible for the damages that can affect to the User or third party.

Micolet assures to not realize any misleading publicity through this media. However, it will not be considered as misleading publicity or formal errors found in the contents of parts of the online Micolet website, produced as a result of incomplete or defective maintenance and/or updating of the information contained in these sections. Micolet, to the consequence of these terms, assures to correct any issues as soon as they are detected.

The User is the only one and exclusively responsible for the use of the Micolet website and its contents, and Micolet will not be considered as responsible for the use of the Micolet website according to the regulation applicated. In case of appearance of some illegal activities or, if Terms and conditions are not respected, we retain the right to deny to User the access of Micolet website page or to some contents, without any notification..

Users will be responsible for property transfer tax subscription as well as other taxes, rate or contribution corresponding to the sale of clothes and other items through the Micolet website.

General terms of the contract

Without prejudice that the Terms and conditions are applied to the User from the moment that he accesses to the Micolet website to realize any operations through it, the user should accept these terms and conditions before, ticking the corresponding box. This actual terms and conditions do not exclude any possibilities that some services of the online page Micolet, for this particular characteristics, will be subject, in addition to Terms and Conditions, to this own particular conditions.

Through the Micolet website, the user can

  1. sell his used clothes
  2. buy second-hand clothing

Sale of clothes

Micolet offers individual consumers the possibility of selling their clothes through the Micolet website. Individual consumers, for these purposes, is any individual who sells their clothes on the Micolet website for personal reasons and not for business, commercial or professional activities. We sell used clothing in good condition that the seller no longer uses, and is interested in selling. Clothing is offered for sale by Micolet on the Micolet website and, if sold, Micolet will pay a percentage of the sale amount (previously agreed) to the owner of the clothing. Micolet sells women and men clothing and accessories only. In the Help and contact section, you can specify which geographical locations the sale of clothing can be made. These locations may vary.

Sale request of clothes


To sell clothes on Micolet, the User has to print a Pickup Form found on the website. For that, if the User has not done it previously, he has to sign up for the Micolet website, agree to the Terms and Conditions of Micolet as well as the Privacy Policy. This way, he accepts that the clothes will be sorted, selected and valued by our evaluators.

With the interest to offer a quality service, Micolet retains the right to keep temporarily the collection service of clothes when it's considered useful.

Once the Pickup Form has been printed, it is essential that the User contacts Micolet by writing an email to info@micolet.co.uk if the number of packages sent does not coincide with the data indicated at the time of making the request on the website, as the courier of the transport company will only take the packages indicated on the Pickup Form up to a maximum of 10 packages. For requests via collection point, the maximum number of boxes to be sent is 1. If the details of the number of garments do not match, it will be sufficient to fill in the blank box provided for this purpose on the Pickup Form by hand.

After receiving the label, the User must prepare a box with the items she wishes to send, insert the Collection Sheet in the package and stick the label on it. Then the User will be able to drop it off at an Hermes Parcel Shop to proceed with the sending. The box cannot have any side larger than 1 metre, and the sum of the height, width and depth of the box cannot exceed 1.5 meters.

In the case of sending bags, Micolet is not responsible for any loss or damage that the merchandise may suffer. If the User chooses to send the garments in bags, Micolet recommends that the package has two or more layers so that it does not break.

In the case in which a delivery being managed by Micolet is misplaced during the collection or in any other moment in the process of the sale, the transport company will not be held legally responsible for this delivery, and Micolet will compensate the user with €27. However, the garments that would have already been valued by Micolet will receive the price that they would have earned in the sale as a form of compensation up to a maximum of €27. The given amount will be refunded to the users account via a bank transfer.

The clothes we sell must comply with conditions requested by Micolet (see section. "Clothing we Accept"), and must be sent at least 20 clothes and 500 as maximum. If more than one package may be sent in the same request, just add a copy of Pickup Form in each of them and another copy attached to the outside of the package.

Neither the Pickup Form printed from the user nor data filled in when creating it will serve as a delivery note or a proof of what is included in the box that is delivered. As well Micolet doesn’t take responsibility for any incidents that may happen during the delivery process, for example in cases of loses or robberies. In any case, Micolet will contact the courier and do everything possible to solve the issue.

Micolet does not collect clothing from users residing outside peninsular Spain, peninsular Portugal and metropolitan France.

Likewise, it is not possible to include clothes that the user, as a buyer, buys on Micolet and wants to send it back to return (to get more information about how to proceed to make a return, read the point 5.2.7 "Withdrawal policy").

In order to delimit the obligations of the users concerning the Pickup, they will be considered as expeditors of the goods according to the regulation defined on the road transportation contract.

The expeditor user should respect the indications of Micolet as this function of shipper and courier in order to realize the shipment in safety conditions, especially concerning the place and time of delivery. If the user does not respect these conditions, it will be understood that he refuses the pickup. If for some unwanted reasons from the user, these conditions are not respected, it is impossible to realize the delivery. In both cases, the user will have the option to receive the clothes by this own mean and under this responsibility.

In any case, User will have the opportunity to deliver clothes to Micolet in a best-suited way, without the need to follow any anterior detail process, always when being a user that manages, takes responsibility and deals with any extra cost.

Clothes we accept

The garments received in our warehouses are filtered by our evaluators. In this phase we discard those garments that are not valid for ordinary sale on our website. We have a very high level of quality control and we are very demanding in terms of the good condition of the clothes.

Clothing must be original and legitimately purchased within the EU. In addition, it must be clothes without rips/tears, stains and odours. With brand and size label. No underwear, sleepwear, or jewelry is accepted, as long as it is not a new item with original tags and without any signs of use. For more details on the requirements that clothing must meet, see the Micolet website in the "Clothes Conditions" section. Micolet reserves the right to reject requests for the sale of clothing that do not meet the required criteria. Likewise, it is also possible that in certain cases, Micolet accepts clothing that does not meet the conditions.

Children's and baby clothes are not accepted.

Valuation of the clothes

Micolet will assign an initial price to the clothes sent by the User and which are suitable for ordinary sale on the website. This price depends on different factors such as, among others, the brand, the type of garment, the ease with which it can be sold and the volume of garments already in stock. Micolet periodically modifies these parameters that influence the purchase price, according to variations in supply and demand. Any change in the factors determining the initial valuation price may lead to an update of the initial valuation price*. Likewise, the use of promotional codes by buyers may affect the valuation price of the garment in accordance with the provisions of section 5.2.5 of the terms and conditions.

Within 4 to 5 weeks** from the time of collection, the User will receive an e-mail informing him/her of the result of the initial valuation. In the initial valuation received, a non-negotiable offer will be made for the clothes that Micolet considers suitable for sale on the website. On the contrary, the garments that Micolet does not consider suitable will be automatically rejected without even being valued. The User will not receive a list of the garments discarded or rejected by Micolet and is therefore recommended to check the list of the garments sent to verify whether or not they have been included in the offer made by Micolet.

* For more information, see section Price adjustment.

** Term can be longer if for some reason we received more clothes than the capability we have to process them.

The valuations are not assessments for verifying the previous state of the item, but our estimations are aimed exclusively at correctly adjusting the sales prices and are subject to possible revisions if previous faults, defects or flaws become apparent at a later date. Micolet is in no case responsible for these previous defects which, for whatever reason, would have gone unnoticed in the initial assessment and will affect the rating and/or sales price.

Valuation response and publication deadline

Once the User is notified, in the email provided by the same, the assessment that Micolet has made of their suitable clothing, the User will have a maximum period of seven (7) days to accept or reject the assessment. The User may expressly accept the valuation at any time within this seven (7) day period or tacitly by allowing the same to elapse without rejecting the valuation. The garments of the accepted valuations will be published on the Micolet website immediately after the express or tacit acceptance. During this period of seven (7) days from the sending of the valuation, the User may notify Micolet that he/she rejects the valuation and will have the option of donating or recovering the clothes.

Refused clothes or price values. Donate or take it back

If during this delay of seven (7) days since the moment that the User receives the valuation of the clothes, User notifies that he rejects the offer, he will have the possibility to recover it with a delivery charge (€9.99).

If some of the garments are accepted by Micolet and others rejected and the user accepts the valuation, the User will have seven (7) days after the valuation was sent to request the return of the clothes are not accepted upon payment of shipment (€9.99). In the case of expiration of the period of seven (7) days without the User indicating anything about it, Micolet will understand that the User gives consent to the free transfer of the garments to Micolet, acquiring full control of them.

Micolet may donate part of the clothing to one of the NGOs with which it collaborates or transfers it to any other physical or legal person.

Micolet´s social commitment, which puts charitable and ecological criteria, entails the development of a simple and large volume donation system that dispenses with all those unnecessary added costs. The garments in this way are transferred to Micolet will be donated to bulk large scale among different NGOs. For this reason, they won´t be able to individualize the assigned clothes to such ends for each seller.

Sellers who wish to make individualized donations must do so personally after recovering the clothing according to the established procedure.

Micolet does not accept copies or counterfeits, nor does it accept garments of illicit origin or garments that have not been legally acquired in the EU or of trademarks not registered in the EU.

Upon expiry of the deadlines for exercising the take-back or donation option by the sellers, Micolet will acquire full disposition of such discarded and unretrieved or donated garments (they may be donated to an NGO, used as consideration for the costs associated with its valuation and storage services, disposed of as balances, or for any other legitimate purpose).

Payment of the clothing sold

Micolet will pay the clothing to the User, or to the charity entity selected by the User in the solidary accounts, as the garments are sold on the Micolet website and there is an accumulated balance in favor of the seller of at least eight 8€. Once a the User's garment has been sold (not a reservation, but a sale), Micolet will deposit in the bank account, previously indicated by the user, the amount of the price at which Micolet valued the garment once Micolet's commission has been deducted, as well as custody insurance and handling charges for payment*, when eight 8 weeks have passed and the accumulated balance in favor of the User is greater than eight 8€. The account number must belong to a british bank. Likewise, the transfer will be done during the first week of each month, after at least 8 weeks have passed since the day of the sale (not reservation) on the Micolet website. If even after the period of eight 8 weeks has passed, the amount to be paid to the seller is less than 8€, it will remain as a balance in favor of the User and will be added to the amounts that are generated with the following sales to be paid once the threshold of 8€ has been exceeded in the following payment period. The minimum amount is necessary to cover the expenses associated with the transfer and the period of 8 weeks is necessary to be able to properly manage the returns, if any.

The seller expressly authorizes the donation in favor of an NGO of the balance generated in its favor that, after a minimum of twelve (12) months from its last sale, could not be transferred because it is less than the minimum amount required to make the transfer. In January of each year Micolet will verify the accounts of the sellers whose last sale was made for more than twelve (12) months and the accumulated balance in their favor is less than 8€ and will donate their balances to one or more NGOs with which collaborate at that time. If the sellers have completed all their tax information at Micolet's account, the donation of their balance will be nominative and they will be able to avail themselves of the tax benefits of the donation. On the contrary, the donation of the balances of the accounts that do not contain the complete data of the sellers will necessarily be anonymous for the NGOs.

*Custody insurance

Valuation price Insurance
0 - 10 2%
10,01 - 20 7%
20,01 - 30 8%
30,01 - 40 9%
> 40,01 10%

Paid management fees

Transfer amount Amount
> 300,01 €6
200,01 - 300 €4.8
90,01 - 200 €4.2
40,01 - 90 €3.6
20,01 - 40 €3
15,01 - 20 €2.4
10,01 - 15 €1.8
8 - 10 €1.2

Price adjustment

After thirty (30) days from the publication of an item on the Micolet website, if the item has not been sold, Micolet may adjust its price, reducing it up to a maximum of 30% of the initial sale price on Micolet. This is intended to facilitate the sale. From that moment, if the item remains unsold, Micolet may readjust the price as it sees fit in order to promote the sale of the item. If, after six (6) months, the item remains unsold, Micolet will have the option to donate it. If the User wants to recover it, they will always have the possibility of paying 9.99€ as a shipping fee, plus 1.99€ as a handling fee for each item they want to recover.

Periodic or promotional discounts, as well as the use of certain promotional codes that reduce the sale price of the articles may reduce the valuation price. This is intended to facilitate their sale.

When modifying the sale price of an item, the percentage that the user receives upon sale may be modified in accordance with the agreement between the user and Micolet.

Returning the published clothes

If the User wishes to get back one or various of the clothes that are on sale on Micolet, always when they haven’t been sold yet, they can return them back after paying a delivery cost of €9.99 and €1.99 administration fee of the clothing they want to get back.


The seller expressly assumes his own responsibilities as a legal guarantee and the risk and venture of the sale.

Specifically, the seller will be responsible for the authenticity of the items put for sale on Micolet as well as the legality of their origin.

Zero Waste Campaigns

Micolet is committed to the goal of Zero Waste in the textile industry and therefore promotes the reuse of clothing and accessories

We collaborate with other companies and entities equally committed to these principles, developing various Zero Waste campaigns. We encourage all users to participate in these campaigns in which, at the same time as doing their bit for a good cause, they obtain interesting advantages.

These campaigns are published on our social networks and those of our partners and users should read the specific conditions of each one of them. Thanks to these campaigns, users can get promotions or discounts at participating shops or organisations in exchange for giving Micolet the clothes and accessories they no longer use so that they can be given a second life. Participating users renounce to the profits they would have obtained if they had put them on sale under the usual terms and conditions but ... Micolet will donate those profits to one or more of the non-profit organisations it collaborates with on a regular basis!

Purchase of clothes

Micolet offers these services as an intermediary to final consumers, in order that buyers can purchase clothes selling by seller´s users on the Micolet marketplace.

Reminds that Micolet doesn't buy or sell directly the products that have been published on the marketplace. Micolet assumes these responsibilities as an intermediate agent and takes responsibility for the services to offer to these clients: sellers and buyers…


Micolet Web, S.L. is a society based in Spain and the local currency for payment is Euro (€). The purchases on our website imply the direct acceptance of Euro´s currency as a payment method. Prices shown on the website are indicative and based on the automatic currency converter. Final prices can fluctuate due to inflation and fluctuation of these currencies. Prices included the selling price of the seller, the commission of Micolet and taxes that will be appropriate to use. The prices displayed in Micolet have already incorporated the seller's sale price, Micolet commissions and VAT and taxes that may be applicable.

All Refunds will be made in Euros (€) and in accordance with the exchange rate of the day that we process the refund. The purchaser accepts that the final amount of this transaction with Micolet, depends on the rate of exchange between the Euros and the Pound Sterling at the time and day the refund is processed.

Due to the tax differences and the different shipping costs of the products from our headquarters in Spain, the sale prices may vary from one country to another. In any case, it is guaranteed that the final price for the consumers of each country will be that published on our website for that country.

In countries outside the European Union, or outside the area where Micolet provides service (see here), upon receipt of the purchase, the User may have to face a tax and customs surcharge. The User can contact the customs offices of their country to request detailed information about these expenses. Likewise, a destination surcharge may be added to the valuation price, which in no case will lower the valuation price accepted by the seller.

Purchase process

To order an item, the User has to add the product that he is interested into the shopping basket (clicking “Add to Basket”) and then to click “Complete purchase” that will appear on the top right corner of the Micolet Web. Then you will be asked to fill the purchase form and accept the Terms and Conditions of the service. Finally, you can complete the order clicking on the bottom “Complete the order”.

The Contract with Micolet will be formed once we receive the form of the order and verify the data. Before sending the order, we invite Users to read and accept Terms and Conditions of services and confirm that information provided is true and correct.

After the order is done and the User sees the order’s number and information indicating that the order has been accomplished successfully we recommend to make a screenshot or print it in case of not receiving the email, which should be sent automatically including the order confirmation and the reference number.

Micolet can refuse accepting orders that do not present any guarantee solvency, which is uncompleted, refer to an unavailable product or for any other reason that Micolet considers appropriate.

In the event that the User wants to change the delivery address of one of the orders, may do so up to one day before the expected shipping date as long as the order is sent home (not possible for shipments to the pick up point) . To do this, you must access your Micolet User account and, in "Purchases", select the option "Change delivery address" of the order you want to modify. A floating window will open where the User can enter the data for the new delivery.

Product descriptions

Descriptions of the products are available within the Micolet website sections. Products offered by Micolet can not correspond with the pictures of the products due to the fact that product pictures can be perceived differently following the monitor or web browser used.

Availability of the products

All the orders are subject to their availability to order, this way, if the item is out of stock or there are other difficulties, Micolet retains the right to cancel the order, refunding to the user the amount they have paid.

In any case, Micolet will do its best to regularly update the available items to not confuse the User.

Promotional code

Micolet may issue and distribute, directly or through our partners, discount codes for purchases made through our website. Each promotional code may be used on one occasion and on one purchase only and may not be accumulated with other discounts. The discount code may not be applicable to certain products or services. In particular, it may not be applied towards the payment of delivery, collection or return costs and, in general, for services other than the purchase of garments sold on our website.

For the purposes of determining the amounts to be reimbursed in the event of total or partial returns, the amount of the discount coupon will be prorated among all the products in the order.

The expiry date of the discount code, the value of the discount, the amount of the purchase and other special conditions will be published in each active promotion. In case of conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the Special Terms and Conditions, the Special Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

The cost of discounts applied to purchases where promotional coupons have been used may reduce the valuation price of the garments and, consequently, the amounts corresponding to the sellers.

Payment methods and currencies

Payment can be made by card or PayPal. To make the payment, the user will be redirected to the third party´s online banking page (in the case of choosing a card payment ) or the PayPal page (for payments with this system), where under a secure environment, owned by the bank and PayPal, respectively, you will be asked for the information to make the payment with the maximum security measures. This data is never stored or managed by Micolet, so Micolet is not responsible for the use that the bank and/or PayPal could make of them.

Delivery time and cost

ATTENTION: Due to the current exceptional situation, Micolet cannot guarantee the shipments of orders to the United Kingdom, therefore, the sales service is temporarily suspended. If the User made a purchase before this situation, Micolet reserves the right to delay the shipment or cancel this purchase.

Orders are sent from Spain through courier companies with which Micolet collaborates within the deadlines indicated below (taking into account that these deadlines are counted from the moment the order is closed, prepared and leaves Micolet's warehouse).

Purchasing portal Country Shipping areas Shipping method: home delivery / pick up point Transport company Delivery term
Micolet.com Spain

Peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands

DO NOT ship to Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla

Pick up point Punto Pack – Inpost Maximum 5 business days
Home delivery Envialia Maximum 3 business days
Micolet.fr France

Metropolitan France

DO NOT ship to islands

Home delivery Colissimo Maximum 5 business days
Pick up point Mondial Relay Maximum 6 business days
Home delivery UPS Maximum 3 business days
Micolet.pt Portugal

Peninsular Portugal

DO NOT ship to Azores or Madeira

Pick up point Ponto Pack – Inpost Maximum 5 business days
Home delivery Envialia Maximum 3 business days
Micolet.co.uk United Kingdom

United Kingdom

DO NOT ship to the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Isle of Man

Home delivery Hermes – Mondial Relay Maximum 5 business days
Micolet.it Italy

Peninsular Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and islands

Pick up point Inpost Maximum 5 business days
Home delivery Dhl Maximum 5 business days
Home delivery UPS Maximum 5 business days
Pick up point UPS Maximum 5 business days
Micolet.de Germany

Continental Germany

DO NOT ship to islands

Home delivery Hermes – Mondial Relay Maximum 8 business days
Pick up point Hermes – Mondial Relay Maximum 8 business days
Home delivery UPS Maximum 4 business days
Micolet.be Belgium

Continental Belgium

DO NOT ship to islands

Pick up point Mondial Relay Maximum 6 business days
Micolet.pl Poland


Home delivery Dhl Maximum 5 business days
Home delivery UPS Maximum 5 business days
Pick up point UPS Maximum 5 business days

For home deliveries, in the event that the User is not at the indicated address at the time of the delivery, the courier company will leave a notice (note of passage) in the mailbox so the User can get in touch with them and agree on the most suitable time for the delivery. In any case, the courier company will try to deliver the order up to a maximum of 2 times. If after 2 attempts the order could not be delivered, the order will be returned to Micolet and the User will have to pay the shipping costs again, if the User wants a new shipment.

The User engages himself in giving a correct address in which the order can be made available to you, within the usual delivery hours of the selected transport company. The user will have to provide his phone number (recommended a mobile phone number) in the corresponding box making the order to permit to contact you about any details regarding the location and time. In case that the user does not respect this obligation, Micolet will not retain any liabilities in case of delivery delay or be being impossible to deliver the user´s order. In accordance with the legislation that regulates the postal services, the user will authorize to receive the orders to the indicated place from any person being on the place, which proved this identity and accepts to be in charge of the order, expected if there is a previous handwriting opposition.

For deliveries at the pick up point, once the package arrives at the pick up point, the User will be informed that can go to collect the order and have a maximum period of 10 days to collect the package. If the User does not do so within the period indicated in the notice, the items will be returned to Micolet. In the event that the User requests a new shipment, the User must pay the shipping costs again.

Shipping costs for purchases made on Micolet.co.uk will depend on the amount of the purchase:


These prices may be eventually modified by specific promotions. The benefit obtained by these promotions will be lost in the event of a subsequent breach of the requirements for obtaining them. If the shipping costs have been discounted due to the accumulation of purchases in an order, due to the final amount of the order or for any other reason and, as a result of cancellation or withdrawal or any contingency attributable to the buyer, the order does not meet the requirements for obtaining them, the buyer must pay the shipping costs corresponding to the definitive characteristics of that order after the modifications. Micolet will deduct these amounts from the amounts to be refunded.

Withdrawal policy

ATTENTION: Due to the current exceptional situation, Micolet cannot guarantee the return collection service, so all of them must be managed by the User on their own as explained here.

The User may exercise his or her right of withdrawal in accordance with the regulations in force for the Defence of Consumers and Users.

Purchases whose delivery has not yet been managed will be displayed in the "Open" state in the User's Purchase History and may be cancelled directly by the User before 4:00 a.m. on the planned date of dispatch with the "Cancel" button. Alternatively, these purchases can be cancelled by sending the withdrawal form. The management of the forms received are required within a period of 48 working hours. Micolet recommends the use of direct and automatic cancellation for the guarantee that any cancellations are made before shipments.

For purchases that have already been sent, the withdrawal will be made according to the following procedure:

If, for any reason, the User is not fully satisfied with his/her purchase, he/she has the option to exercise the right of withdrawal of the items within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date on which he/she received the order, provided that the items are received in the returns department.

In order to do so, you may request the withdrawal within fourteen (14) days through your intranet or user area, following the indications below, or you may inform us of your decision to withdraw within fourteen (14) days, using this form that you need to send back to us. Micolet recommends the preferential use of the intranet or user area for the communication of the decision to withdraw.

To communicate the decision to withdraw via the intranet and proceed to the return of all or some of the items that have been purchased, the User, within the deadline, should log into their Micolet account and go to “My order”, tab “Return”. In this section, the User must pay the return shipping costs relative to the number of garments to be returned and collection method (in certain periods these may be on promotion). Shortly, the User will receive an email with the confirmation of the payment of the return shipping costs and information about the rest of the process. In this email, the User will receive a PDF file with the corresponding Return Sheet in order or orders of which or of which to process the return. The User must download this file, print it and include it in the package, together with the items to be returned.

A second email will be sent with the label of the transport company that the User must stick on the outside of the package and thus deliver his package within 5 days after receiving the label at a collection point of the transport network with which Micolet works.

It is essential that the User keeps the receipt that you are given by Hermes until Micolet confirms to the User, via email, that the articles have been received.

The return of the garments will not be accepted using the channel provided by Micolet for the collection of garments destined for the valuation and subsequent sale on the web, and/or garments that, even though they are within the return period, are not informed in the Sheet of Return requested to Micolet

The user must pay the costs generated by the return (handling fees and, where appropriate, shipping costs), the amount of which will be deducted from the amounts to be refunded. If the return costs are higher than the amounts to be reimbursed for the return, Micolet may claim them from the buyer.



NO. OF GARMENTS TO RETURN Pick up point (Hermes - MR)
Up to 3 garments Fixed cost £4.21 + variable £0.00/garment
From 3 garments Fixed cost £4.21 + variable £0.55/garment


Return of 10 garments

Fixed cost £4.21 + variable (10 x £0.55)

Total return expenses: £9.69

* At certain times, Micolet may promote the shipping costs of returns by discounting the price. In these situations, the User will only pay the variable cost of shipping costs depending on the number of items to be returned. However, the benefit obtained by these promotions will be lost in the event of failure to comply with the requirements for obtaining them.

If the User wishes to manage the return themselves with a transport company of their choice, before starting to manage the return in the "My Purchases" section, the User must contact Micolet by sending the withdrawal form by email to info@micolet.co.uk or to the postal address: Pol. Ind. Atxukarro 16 A, Arrigorriaga, Bizkaia (48480), Spain

If the User wishes to return items corresponding to different orders in the same shipment, he can do so by paying only a few return shipping costs. For this, the User must make the request for the return of said garments at the same time and pay for the shipping costs corresponding to the total number of garments you want to return and the selected shipping method. In this case, the User must send all the items to be returned corresponding to the different purchases in the same package and with the Return Sheet inside. The User will receive by email the PDF file with the Return Sheet with all the garments that he has selected to return. Likewise, the User may also download this PDF on their Micolet intranet, in the Returns section.

The right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:

The return will be realized when the package is received in Micolet. Micolet will not assume to cover any costs or incidents that may arise from the transportation process of the returned items, which is the responsibility of the buyer.

If the User makes a return, Micolet will check the state of the item(s) and, depending on wether the conditions mentioned above are met, the following may happen:

  1. That the returned product does not comply with the conditions and therefore withdrawal is rejected by Micolet.

    In this case, the User will be contacted, within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the items by Micolet, and will be offered the option to send them the items refused by Micolet. The User will be responsible for all the expenses generated by this shipment, including the transport of these items (from the customer to Micolet, and back), taxes or customs duties if any. If the User does not accept the option to keep the product returned and refused by Micolet, Micolet may keep the items and the amount of the item.

  2. That the product complies with the conditiones mentioned above and therefore its return will be processed by Micolet.

    In this case, the User will receive an e-mail informing him/her that his/her return has been processed and within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date on which he/she communicated his/her wish to return, Micolet will proceed to refund the amount of the purchase, including taxes.


If the purchased good does not conform to the characteristics and qualities stated, the buyer may terminate the contract and obtain a refund of the money. These differences, with respect to what has been stated, must be explicit, clear, and unequivocal. The buyer must send these goods to Micolet according to the terms and conditions that the company establishes for this purpose, given the particular circumstances of the case.

Considering the legal definition of goods used as tangible personal property susceptible to lasting use that, having previously been used by a third party, are susceptible to new use for their specific purposes, the wear or deterioration caused by the previous ordinary use of the products will not be considered a vice or error. Likewise, the USER and/or CLIENT is informed that the possible tonality difference caused by the effect of the monitor will not be considered a sufficient error to proceed with the return of the product since it is estimated that the colours may have around a 15% variation.

As an example, errors related to the brand or to the size marked on the garment, apparent differences in colour, undisclosed tears, or differences in materials or composition will be considered.

In these cases, the USER or CLIENT must request the return by sending an email to the address info@micolet.co.uk


The periods described in all the previous sections are merely for guidance and are subject to possible variations within reasonable time limits depending on the particular circumstances of the transactions. Unsubstantial changes or delays in the deadlines indicated shall not be deemed a breach of contract provided that the main services (collection, valuation, dispatch) have been performed.

Way of communication

Micolet is a digital marketplace. The use of it implied the acceptance of communications through an email address that has been provided to the user in their personal details. Is the responsibility of the user to update this contact detail and to consult this mailbox.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property of the web page www.micolet.co.uk, its source code, design, navigation form and different elements are the property of Micolet, which correspond to the all entire exploitation access to reproduce, distribute, communicate and transform according to the Spanish legislation and legislation of European Union.

It is completely forbidden the total or partial reproduction of Micolet contents without express consent in writing Micolet. The unauthorized use of these contents will permit a legal retain.

Micolet is not responsible for any infractions realized by the users of this online website that affect third parties.

Links to others websites

Hyperlinks published in Micolet can direct you to third party Websites. Micolet does not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that can appear on this website, which will only have an informative objective and in any case implicate a relation between Micolet and users or entities owners of any content places that can be met.

Modification of the Terms and Conditions of the services

In any moment Micolet can change or actualize its Terms and Conditions of the services provided. For this reason, users are recommended to review them frequently. Every updated version of the Terms and Conditions will be followed once it is published in the Micolet Web.

In any moment Micolet can change its commercial offer through a publication on its online website (price modifications, product and promotion changes and other commercial and service related information).These modifications will not affect operations realized before.

In any case, the utilisation of Micolet website means the acceptance of the Conditions and Terms to all the users, in that way if the User does not agree with these Terms and Conditions, he should not use the Micolet Web.

Termination and compensation of the clauses

If any clause included in these Terms and Conditions will be declared, totally or partially, invalid or unless, will only affect to this disposition or part of it which is considered invalid or unless, subsisting to the Terms and Conditions of use of everyone else, having to this disposition, or part of it the same effect result, but not present.


Micolet retains the right to suspend online website access, without any advance notice, to a discretionary and temporary way, due to technical issues or any other disposition, having the right to modify individually the access conditions as well as all or half of the content.

Micolet retains the right to stop or cancel the website or other services offered to users, at any moment without any previous notice. In every case, Micolet can stop the service to any user that uses it in an unethical, offensive, illegal and incorrect regarding the content and services and/or contrary to the interests of the company.

Customer service and Platform ORD to resolve a dispute

For all enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service sending an email to info@micolet.co.uk.

To resolve incidence, complaints or reclamation you can get in touch with us sending an email to this address info@micolet.co.uk.

If it has not been resolved by our customers' service, the customers can present a reclamation through the platform "Resolution of Litig of the European Union", managed by the European Commission on this link.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These present Terms and Conditions of use are registered and interpreted according to the Spanish law.

Last Updated On: 22 August, 2024

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