How can I unsubscribe from Micolet emails or notifications?

If you do not want to receive our newsletters with the special offers of the day or other promotions, don't worry. You just have to open one of our newsletters that we have sent you and click on the link that appears in the text of the beginning and/or end of the email. Within a maximum period of 5 working days (which is the time necessary to manage this cancellation) you will stop receiving our newsletters.

If you want to unsubscribe from the Push Web Notifications (notifications that appear when opening an Internet page), you must block them through your browser, as these notifications do not depend on us.

How can I receive a daily newsletter with offers?

If you want to be among the first to find out about our offers, promotions and news that we have every day on our website, you just have to subscribe to our newsletter. To do this you can register through this link: Sign up

How can I create a Micolet user account?

It's very easy and it will not take more than a minute! On our website, you will find the "Create account" option at the top of the menu. We will ask you to enter your email, the password for your user account, and to accept our Privacy Policies and Conditions, as well as to subscribe to our newsletter.

Don't worry, if you are not interested in the promotions and offers that we send you, you can unsubscribe at any time through the same newsletter that we send you. You can see more information here: How can I unsubscribe from Micolet emails or notifications?

How can I modify my user data?

If you want to modify some of the information we have, such as name and surname, date of birth, or bank account details, log in to your Micolet user account, and access the "Data" section. You can also enter from the following link: My personal information.

You can contact us here: info@micolet.co.uk 020 8089 8729 (M-F 07.30-13.30). Or through the contact form.

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